Body Sculpting

Skin Unfiltered proudly offers body sculpting services as of 2022. All body sculpting includes seeing Amy Root, ARNP for a consultation to determine what treatment is right for you.

Below are our current services offered for body sculpting:

  • RF (radio frequency) with light therapy and laser Lipo light therapy

  • RF with Vacuum therapy + laser lipo light therapy

  • Ultrasonic Sculpting, + RF with light therapy + laser lipo light therapy

  • Ultrasonic Sculpting + RF with vacuum therapy + laser lipo light treatment

  • Vacuum Booty Lift

What is ultrasonic radio frequency laser therapy?

Ultrasonic radio frequency also known as Ultrasound Liposuction is a non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses scientifically proven non-invasive heat treatment that helps tighten, contour and refine deeper lines of the skin over the face and body.

How does it work?

This treatment uses two types of technology. Ultrasound uses low frequency sound waves to heat and vibrate the layer of fat cells below the skin’s surface causing pressure, which eventually causes the fat cells to liquify and release their contents to be eliminated safely by the body.

Radio frequency technology uses advanced technology that safely heats the deep layers of the skin causing collagen fibers to contract and remodel, leaving skin more lifted and tightened. Radio frequency can be used both for the face and body.

Does it hurt?

Most patients find the treatment to be very comfortable and trouble-free. Some clients experience warmth during the treatment and a small amount of noise discomfort, but there is no pain.

How long is the treatment?

Each session depending on area or packaging are 40-90 minute session. Treating multiple areas is not advisable as the body has to work hard to move the excess fat that is now passing through the Lymphatic system to the liver. Follow the rule of one area one treatment every 72 hours and you will see rapid results.

When will I see results?

Patients can expect to experience a reduction of several cm in circumference after the first treatment following RF. Some results will be seen immediately post treatment; however, the subsequent repair and remodeling of this deep collagen produces continuing effects over the next 3-6 months.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of sessions depends on a patient’s age and skin condition. While you will see immediate results int he first session, it may be necessary to have between 3 and 12 sessions for optimum results. Patients who go through a series of treatments will see and improvement each time the treatments are performed.

How long do the results last?

To maintain the results it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise. It is also important to drink 8 glasses of water a day before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink; therefore, water is a key component to eliminating the fat.